Eye Specialists in Kuching
Where can I find an eye specialist in Kuching?
We have compiled a short list of prominent business location map and website URLs of eye specialists (ophthalmologists) in Kuching, Sarawak. Check out some of the eye specialists in Kuching here.
Why provide a list of Kuching eye specialists’ Internet addresses?
Our customers who want to visit the eye specialist for the first time or are looking for an alternative may find our bookmarks useful, since we can easily share the relevant URLs with them. Don't forget to add the link https://qr.ghlg.my/EyeSpc to your Bookmark list for quick access in the future.
Can I contact the eye specialist myself?
You may certainly browse our bookmarks for details and contact them personally.
How often does Kuching’s list of eye specialists get updated?
We will update the relevant URLs regularly base on our customers’ review and recommendation.
Can you recommend any top-notch eye specialist in Kuching?
We highly recommend Prof. Dr Lim Lik Thai. Our customers have praised him, who has showed his expertise and popularity with them.
Prof. Dr Lim currently practices at the Eye Specialist Centre (ESC), Kuching. He is the Visiting Consultant Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon, Glaucoma Specialist and Vitreoretinal Surgeon.
He is also the Consultant Ophthalmologist at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, has a wealth of experience and knowledge.
You will need to make an appointment with the clinic’s staff by calling or visiting in person.
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