Voucher Code: LOOK48

  1. Overview
  3. Voucher Code: LOOK48

🎉 Surprise Voucher: Frame + Lenses for RM48! 🎉

Transform your look for just RM48 with our exclusive package deal! Use code LOOK48 to grab this amazing offer. 

Offer Details:

  • Package: Frame + Lenses
  • Price: RM48
  • Protection: UV & Blue Light
  • Voucher Code: LOOK48

Terms & Conditions:

  • Validity: Expiry date stamped on the back, valid for up to one year from receipt
  • Redemption: Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC only
  • Usage: One voucher per customer
  • Transferable: Yes, but not exchangeable for cash
  • Limited Availability: While stocks last
  • Exclusions: Not valid with other offers
  • Presentation: Show voucher code at purchase
  • Changes: Terms may change without notice
  • Expiry: Expired vouchers not accepted
  • Original Voucher: Only original hard copy accepted
  • Disputes: Our decision is final


This sample voucher is for illustration purpose only.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What does the RM48 package include?

Our RM48 package includes a stylish pair of frames and stock lenses with UV and blue light protection. This is perfect for a fresh new look!

2. How do I use the voucher code LOOK48?

Show the voucher code LOOK48 at the time of purchase at Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC shop to enjoy this fantastic deal.

3. Where can I redeem the voucher?

You can redeem your voucher at our Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC shop. We cannot wait to see you there!

4. How long is the voucher valid?

The voucher is valid until the expiry date stamped on the back, up to one year from when you received it. There is plenty of time to plan your visit!

5. Can I use the voucher with other promotions or discounts?

You cannot combine this voucher with other promotions, discounts, or vouchers. It is a special deal just for you!

6. Is the voucher transferable?

Yes, you can share the voucher with a friend or family member, but you cannot exchange it for cash.

7. What happens if my voucher expires?

We will not accept expired vouchers, so use it before the expiry date. Don’t miss out!

8. Do I need to present the original voucher?

Yes, please bring the original hard copy of the voucher when you visit us. We want to make sure you get the best service!

9. What if I lose my voucher?

Unfortunately, we cannot replace lost vouchers. Keep it safe so you can enjoy the offer!

10. Can I choose any frame and lenses with this voucher?

The offer includes selected frames and stock lenses. Check with our shop for the options. We have some great choices!

11. What if I have a dispute regarding the voucher?

If there is any issue, our decision on privileges is final. We are here to help and ensure you have a great experience!

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