Promo Code: MONDAY

  1. Overview
  3. Promo Code: MONDAY

Exclusive Monday Offers

We are excited to offer a special promotion exclusively for our valued customers at Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC. Enjoy 50% off branded frames and a Buy One, Get One Free offer on single vision blue filter stock lenses. This is only available during extended business hours on Mondays, 20 and 27 January, and 3 February 2025.

Terms and Conditions

1. Promotion Dates: Valid only on 20 & 27 January, and 3 February 2025 during extended business hours.

2. Location: Applicable only at Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC.

3. Discount: 50% off branded spectacle frames.

4. Complimentary Pair: Buy One, Get One Free on single vision index-1.56 blue filter stock lenses. Customers must claim both lenses on the same day and in the same transaction.

5. Lenses: Includes single vision, bifocal, progressive, photochromic, and hi-index lenses.

6. Value: Free pair must be of equal or lesser value.

7. Combination: Cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

8. Payment: Payable using Maybank, Public Bank, and AmBank credit cards with 0% interest for six months with a minimum spend of RM500. Other payment options refer to [Payment and Vouchers].

9. Deposit: A minimum deposit of 50% is required. The deposit is non-refundable and will be forfeited if the order is cancelled.

10. Proof: Valid for walk-in customers with proof of this promotion notice from the Facebook post or website updates.

11. Special Code: Provided on the post image or website.

12. Cash: This promotion is not redeemable for cash.

13. Disputes: We reserve the right to make the final decision in case of a dispute on discount privileges.

14. Changes: Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.

FAQs for Special Promotion Mondays

1. When is the promotion?

Valid on 20 & 27 January, and 3 February 2025 during extended business hours on Mondays.

2. Where is the promotion available?

Only at Guan Ho Leong Optical - BDC.

3. What discounts are offered?

50% off branded spectacle frames and a Buy One, Get One Free offer on single vision index-1.56 blue filter stock lenses.

4. Can I combine this promotion with other offers?

No, it cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

5. Which lenses are included?

Single vision, bifocal, progressive, photochromic, and hi-index lenses.

6. What are the payment options?

Maybank, Public Bank, and AmBank credit cards with 0% interest for six months (minimum spend RM500). Other options are available on our [Payment and Vouchers] webpage.

7. Do I need proof to avail the promotion?

Yes, proof of this promotion notice from the Facebook post or website updates is required.

8. Is a special code needed?

Yes, the special code is provided on the post image or website.

9. Can this promotion be exchanged for cash?

No, it is not redeemable for cash.

10. Is a deposit required?

Yes, a 50% non-refundable deposit is required and will be forfeited if the order is cancelled.

11. Can I claim the Buy One, Get One Free offer on a different day?

No, the free pair must be claimed on the same day and within the same transaction.

12. What if I need to cancel my order?

A minimum 50% deposit is required, which is non-refundable and will be forfeited if the order is cancelled.

13. Are there any restrictions on the free pair of lenses?

Yes, the free pair must be of equal or lesser value than the purchased pair.

14. Can I use the promotion for online purchases?

No, this promotion is valid for walk-in customers only.

15. What if I have a dispute regarding the promotion?

We reserve the right to make the final decision in case of a dispute on discount privileges.

16. Can I use the promotion multiple times?

The promotion can be used only once per customer during the promotional period.

17. Are there any changes to the terms and conditions?

Terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.


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